Friday, January 15, 2010

New Authors - Be a CHAMP Before Writing the Book That's Going to Make You Famous

All new authors who plan on writing the great American novel or a book that will become the industry standard should spend the time and or money to have a CHAMP Report created. A CHAMP Report stands for "Competition History And Marketability Profile" Report. Its a deep look into your chosen niche, it reviews your likely competition, market, industry history and lots more.

Lets take a deeper look in to what goes into a Report;

1. Competition - first assess the niche and the top 10 contenders. Since its a book were focusing on obviously you should go to and to review the success of others. Go to the authors web site, we do a Google search and assess the key word advertising, we check the cost of certain Ad Sense keywords just for starters.

2. History - you should assess the history of your industry and competition. Find out how long they have been in business, members of certain organizations and even what there likely profits are.

3. Marketability - at this point you should assess your writings marketability. With the data you have collected so far you should be able to put together a clear picture about your books likely success. You should ensure that you add interviews form industry leaders, take polls and surveys to assess the needs within the industry and even get feedback about your proposed project before you even begin.

With all of this info at your finger tips you are likely to be able to predict with a degree of certainty the level of success you could achieve.

If you're ready to go to learn more about how to Write Your Own Book and start a Highly Profitable Coaching Practice than go to  for your FREE "Fast Start Guide"
Paul Godines will Design, Write, Edit and Market a Book about your Business and help you Scale it into a Highly Profitable Multimedia Program that gets FREE Radio, TV, Print and Online Advertising.

I look forward to seeing you on more radio/TV shows

and reading about you in print publications! 

To your success! 
Pam Perry, PR Coach

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